


I thouht so !

I knew it !

I expected it !

I saw it coming !


See, what did I tell you?


It's so obvious !

ワーイ♪\(^ω^\)( /^ω^)/ワーイ♪

[ NBC News ]

Hathaway won as expected for her role as the desperate prostitute Fantine in the big-screen version of "Les Miserables," a part her own mother once played on a national tour.

※ prostitute売春婦

"It came true," Hathaway said while holding her trophy. She closed her speech with the hope that in the future, "the misfortunes of Fantine will be found only in stories and never again in real life."


[ CNN News ]

Winning the best supporting actress Oscar will not keep Anne Hathaway from considering herself as the underdog.

  ※ underdog  敗残者、弱者、負け犬

"You're always looking for the next job. You always think at the end of one, it doesn't matter what's happened before, no one's going to hire me again. So, I do feel this evening the respect of my peers, and I am going to ride that wave for as long as I can, but I do also have a practical approach to acting, which is got to work, got to work, got to work."

  ※ peer 仲間、同僚、同級生、友人、同業者、対等者

Hathaway said she is not impressed with her Academy Award winning "Les Miserables" performance.

"I'm impressed by the work around me. I'm impressed by my makeup. I'm impressed by my costume. I'm impressed by the haircut and the set and the score and the song, but no, all I can hear is all of the notes that I didn't quite hit. But maybe I'll get over it some day.

 ※ hit the notes 音を鳴らす、音を奏でる
 ※ get over (困難・病気などを)乗り越える、克服する、打ち勝つ、治癒する、治る

"Hugh Jackman was "our rock," Hathaway said.

 ※ rock (岩のようにしっかりした)頼りになる人[もの]、堅固な支え

"Hugh is this magical alien combination of strength and soul and heart and artistry and fun. And if you think about it, I mean, not to get serious, but we do live in a world that can tend toward the cynical, and to have someone in a film like this where it's inherent to the film's success that you believe in the goodness of the central character, and that someone like Hugh exists who has that goodness within him, it made the film soar. ... And we all knew that and, I mean, we are not coal miners. It wasn't hard work, but, you know, it was challenging. And we looked to him every day and to his strength and to his indefatigable spirit. He never complained once. He did as many takes as need be, and he was absolutely our rock and our inspiration through everything and to me personally."

 ※ inherent 生まれつきの、生来の、本来備わっている、特有の、固有の、持ち前の
 ※ soar 高まる、膨らむ飛翔する、上昇する、急騰する
 ※ coal miner 炭坑作業員
 ※ look to~ ~に頼る、~を頼みにする、~を目指す、~の後を追う、~を模倣する
 ※ indefatigable 不屈の、疲れ知らずの、根気がある
 ※ inspiration(人の創造性を)刺激[鼓舞]する人[もの]

Hathaway's "Les Miserables" role made her a better human.

"Playing Fantine, having to connect with the darkness of life, and I think maybe more to the point, the unnecessary suffering that human beings can inflict on each other, I would have loved to have gone home and forgotten about that everyday, but you just can't because it exists. And it exists for millions of men and women throughout the world. I think this film changed me because it made me more compassionate and more aware.
more to the point より端的に言えば、もっと肝腎なことを言えば、さらに重要なことに

 ※ inflict ~ on (苦痛・負担など)を~に与える[負わせる]
 ※ compassionate 思いやりのある、心の優しい、情け深い
 ※ make ~ more aware ~の意識 [関心] を高める

Hathaway got bit choked up explaining what she meant in her acceptance speech when she said "It came true."

"I had a dream, and it came true. And that can happen. And that's wonderful. And so, that was all I was saying was that it can and it did."


Hi 理恵 さん

You can say that again!

I was touched by the movie and deeply impressed again by her speeches.
2013年2月26日 22時50分





