【Use It or Lose It! / Getting Started】-Ken's Enjoy English Conversation
I'm so embarrassed!
What happened?
I went to a party last week where everyone spoke French!
What's so bad about that?
I didn't say a word to anyone. I was tongue-tied!
I've been there - with Japanese.
So I've begun to study French again.
Well, once you get started, it'll all come back.
I hope so!
【Apply it!】[I'm so embarrassed!]とても恥ずかしい!
I was so embarrassed at the reunion.
-What happened?
I called a music teacher by the wrong name!
-I've been there.
【Say it!】Use it or lose it!
【Write it!】My father was so embarrassed in England. He didn't say a word of English to anyone. He was tongue-tied.
【In Another situation!】The man has taken a course in Japanese once.
【words and phrases】
-[Use it or lose it!] 使わないと使えない!
-[be embarrassed] 恥ずかしい(思いをする)
⇒[be ashamed] (倫理的・社会的な失態や、深い後悔の念で)恥じる
-[not say a word to anyone/someone] (誰とも/誰かと)にひと言も話さない
-[be tongue-tied] 言葉が出てこない
-[I've been there.] 私もその経験があります
-[I've begun to-] 私は(最近)…をし始めたところです。
-[Once you get started, it'll all come back.]いったん始めれば、(かつて覚えたことや勘などは)すべて戻ってきます。
【English Lit / Getting Started】-Ken's Enjoy English Conversation
Hey, Benjamin. What are you up to today?
Hey, Abby. I'm working on my book report for The Great Gatsby.
That's not due until next month.
I know. I want to get a head start.
What page are you on?
I finished it last night. I'm writing the report now.
Really? You're way ahead of the game!
【Apply it!】[You're way ahead of the game!]大変な差をつけているわね!
Have you started writing the essay?
-I've written five pages out of ten.
What?! You're way ahead of the game!
-I want to get it done.
【Say it!】What page are you on?
【Write it!】I'm already on the last chapter of War and Pease. I think I'm way ahead of the game.
【In Another situation!】They talk formally.
【words and phrases】
-[English lit]=[English literature] 英文学
-[What are you up to?] 何しているの/何をする予定なの?
-[be working on-] …をしているところだ
-[book report] 読書感想文
-[The Great Gatsby]-[F. Scott Fitzgerald原作の小説]
-[be not due until-] 締め切りはまだ先の…である
-[get a head start] 有利なスタートを切る
-[What page are you on?] 何ページまで読んでいるの?
-[way ahead of the game] (他と)大きく差をつけて
【Grammer for Better Conversation】
Nothing makes me happier than my grandchildren.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing them happy.
Nothing makes me happier than when I play with them.
There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact. (明白な事実ほど人を惑わすものはない/名探偵シャーロックホームズ Sherlock Holmes の名言)
There is nothingmore beautiful than nature early in the morning. (早朝の自然ほど美しいものはない/画家ゴッホ Van Gogh の言葉)
There is nothing like a dream to create the future. (未来を創造するのに夢に匹敵するものはない/ヴィクトル・ユゴー Victor Hugo の言葉)
There's nothing like it. (ほかにないですね/おいしい料理や素晴らしいことに対して称賛する言葉として…)
Cherry blossoms and rapeseed flowers! Beautiful!
-Nothing goes better!
=(Nothing goes better than cherry blossoms and rapeseed flowers!)
You found something!
-Yes. Nothing gives me more pleasure than discovering a good book.
And nothing makes me happier than seeing you happy.
-Oh, that's so sweet! Oh, you know, it's a great story. There's nothing like it.