*(ハワイ島で5月3日、島の南部にあるキラウエア火山が噴火しました。避難者数や被害状況はどうなっているでしょうか。ニュース本文に出てくるvolcanic activity、evacuate、erupt、lavaなどの自然災害に関する用語や数字にも注目して、このニュースを英語で学びましょう。)
Authorities on Hawaii's biggest island are warning residents volcanic activity will continue at Mount Kilauea.
(Tina Neil / USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory)
"There is a high degree of uncertainty in my answer, but there are possible next phases that are severe."
Officials say about 2,000 residents have been evacuated and 26 buildings have been destroyed since the volcano erupted last week. There have been no reports of injuries.
Lava is still flowing into the woods and residential areas. Toxic gas has also been detected. On Friday, volcanic activity set off a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that caused landslides and power outages.
Authorities say it's hard to tell when the activity will end.
-[Hawaii's biggest island]=[Hawaii Island] ハワイ島(=ハワイ諸島で最大の島)
⇒[the Hawaiian Islands] ハワイ諸島
-[resident] 居住者
-[volcanic activity] 火山活動
-[Mount Kilauea] キラウエア山(=ハワイ島南東部にある活火山。キラウエア火山を含むハワイ火山国立公園は世界自然遺産に登録されています。)
-[USGS]=[the United States Geographic Survey] アメリカ地質調査所
-[Hawaiian Volcano Observatory] ハワイ火山観測所
-[a high degree of uncertainty] 高い不確実性
-[phase] 段階
-[severe] (事態が)深刻な、(天候などが)厳しい
-[evacuate] 避難する
-[destroy] 破壊する
-[volcano] 火山
-[erupt] 噴火する、⇒[volcanic eruption] 火山噴火
-[lava] 溶岩
-[residential area] 住宅地、⇒[commercial area] 商業地域
-[toxic gas] 毒性のあるガス/有毒ガス
-[detect] 検出する
-[set off] 引き起こす(急に何かが生じるというニュアンス)
-[landslide] 土砂崩れ
-[power outage]=[blackout] 停電
-[erupt] (火山が)噴火する/(溶岩などが)噴出する/(間欠泉が)吹き上がる、(感情などを)爆発させる、(発疹などが皮膚に)噴き出す
*. since the volcano erupted last week 「火山が噴火して以来」
1. The crowd erupted with applause when the rock legends came back out on stage for their encore.
-[erupt with applause] 拍手喝采が起こる
2. As a teenager, the junk food-loving Eddie's face would often erupt with pimples.
-[junk food-loving] (高カロリーで栄養価が低い)ジャンクフードが大好きな
-[teenager]=[A person between the age of thirteen and nineteen years]