#NeverAgain #Enough #Enough is Enough
Today at 3 PM, as many of you know it is our goal to get #Never Again trending amoungst any and all social media platforms we can. Action starts with us.
-[amongst them…] 彼らの中で
[Barack Obama @BarackObama] Michelle and I are so inspired by all the young people who made today's marches happen. Keep at it. You're leading us forward. Nothing can stand in the way of millions of voices calling for change. (2018/3/24 10:07)
-[make marches happen] デモ行進を起こす
If there is no assault weapon ban passed, we will vote them out!
-[assault weapon]殺傷能力のある武器
To you the politicians in Washington for not hearing our cries for justice, enough is enough. Never again will our voices, students' voices be shunned into silence.
-[shunned] 避ける
I'll be voting in 2 years... Watch out NRA!
-[NRA]=[National Rifle Association] 全米ライフル協会(銃規制に反対する団体)
The Columbine generation marching for the Stoneman Douglas generation.
Slacktivism is over. The #NeverAgain movement is about what's next.
-[slacktivism] =[slack]怠ける+[activism]社会運動 ≒SNSで「いいね」を押しているだけで社会参加している(つもりの)人
-[SNS]=[social network service]=[social media]
★[Interview with Director Luc Besson]
リュック・ベッソン監督 来日インタビュー(2018/4/5, NHK-Etv)
Luc: I have this idea in my head about Valerian like many, many years ago, but I thought that I won't be able to do it because I was too … or maybe not enough …. But one day, I said, "All right, let's try to make the film."
(Kazuo: What attracted you most to it, was it the story, the visuals, these characters?)
Luc: You have the big story about the spaceship,about the aliens, about all this, but in reality, the film is about this guy who wants this girl, and the girl say no. It's very human, it's a tiny story. So, it's the mix of the two. I love the big story and the little story inside the film.
Luc: Let's take this sample. You suddenly fall in love with a Japanese woman, and you don't speak a word of Japanese. You know, you will always find a way with gesture, or, you know, to say my heart, or I kiss you, or you will find a way to express yourself. If you have a common language, it's more practical. It's better for the conversation. And I think the fact you have a common language for everyone, it's English, it's English, it doesn't matter so much. So I'm a little bit limited in English than French, but it doesn't matter. What's important is what you are saying.
[English as a Lingua Franca] 国際共通語としての英語
[intelligibility] 理解できること、わかりよいこと、明瞭
-[Valerian] プブリウス・リキニウス・ウァレリアヌス(ラテン語: Publius Licinius Valerianus,193年か195年か200年 - 260年以降)、軍人皇帝時代のローマ帝国皇帝。
-[Valerian] カノコソウ(オミナエシ科の多年草)、吉草根(カノコソウの値を乾燥したもの/鎮静薬・精神安定剤)、⇒[That is valerian to a cat./That is the very thing./That is just the thing.] 猫にまたたび/まさに打ってつけ/渡りに船
#SudanForever #Remembering Sudan
[The death of Sudan has awakened me to save wildlife.]
[The last northern white rhino]=[rhinoceros] 白サイ
[awaken] 気づかせる/意識を呼び起こす
[extinction] (種の)絶滅
[obituary] (新聞紙上の)死亡記事
[exterminating species for a long time] 種族の根絶/絶滅
[abbreviation] 省略/短縮/省略形/略語/略字
-[asap]=[as soon as possible] できるだけ早く
-[RIP]=[Rest In Peace] 安らかにお眠りください。
-[MVP]=Most Valuable Player
-[OMG]=Oh My God!
-[lol]=laughing out laugh
-[JK]=Just Kidding
-[my fave]=[favorite]
[Social media is useful but we have to be responsible.] //
[be responsible for-] ~に責任を持つ
[be committed to-] ~に真剣に取り組む
[go down the rabbit hole] 不思議な体験をする
[go out with-] ~とつきあう
Two-way baseball player, Shohei Otani, in Los Angeles Angels.
He is a first two-way player since Babe Ruth. (ベイブルース以来の二刀流)
[at the plate]打席で
[at the mound]マウンドで
[his command]
[all aspect]全面で
[pave the way]道を開く
[rain check]延期
-[I'm a rainmaker.]-[She is out of your league.]
-[I love this show because of the cast and crew.]