Toyota Motor and its group companies have decided to put money into a project that's trying to develop a flying car.
Volunteer engineers from the Japanese automaker and other firms are working on the initiative. They're trying to produce a car with four rotors, each with eight blades, that can zip around like a drone.
Toyota and 14 of its group companies plan to give a lift to its development by investing about 375,000 dollars over the next three years. The project has so far relied on crowdfunding and other means of financing. The investment will bridge a funding shortfall.
The engineers want to roll out their manned flying car by January 2019. They hope to use it to light the flame at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the Paralympics. U.S. and European venture companies are also accelerating their efforts to develop flying cars for practical use.
*give a lift to ~を押し上げる *shortfall 不足
*bridge (お金などが)一時しのぎに役立つ *roll out 製品を売り出す、公開する
〇基礎3 L-031 Coming right up! はい、ただいま!
Q: What flavor does everyone want?
Shopkeeper: やあ、子供たち!お天気を楽しんでるかい?
Hey,kids! Are you enjoying the weather?
Ammir: もちろん!アイスクリームを5つもらえますか?
You bet! Can we have five ice cream cones, please?
Shopkeeper: いいとも!何味にする?
Sure! What flavor?
Amiir: ぼくはイチゴ味。きょうの陽気にぴったりだ。みんなはどうする?
I’ll have strawberry. It’s perfect for this weather. What are you guys having?
Sarah: わたしはアミールに賛成。わたしもイチゴ味をください!
I agree with Amiir. Strawberry for me, too.
Par: わたしも! Me,too!
Jose: ぼくも! Me, three!
Ambar: オッケー、そうしよう。イチゴ味を5つください。
OK, why not? Five strawberries, please!
Shopkeeper: ごめんよ。イチゴ味は売り切れなんだ・・・。
I’m sorry. We are out of strawberry…...
Amiir: えt?!どうして? What?! How come?
Shopkeeper: きょうのお客さんたちは、イチゴ味ばかり注文しているんだよ。
Everyone is ordering strawberry today.
Par: そうなんだ・・・じゃあ、バニラ味をもらえますか?
Oh ….can i have vanilla, then?
Everyone: わたしたちも。Me,too.
Shopkeeper: はい、ただいま!ひとつ1ドルだよ。
Coming right up! That’ll be one dollar each.
Jose: まあ、なにもないよりましだね。
Well, it’s better than nothing.
A: Strawberry.
◆Can-do ファストフード、レストランで注文
Can we have five ice cream cones, please?
☑Can I have…?/ Could I have….?は、飲食店で注文するときの定番表現。家族やグループで注文する場合はCan we have…?を用いましょう。pleaseをつけると丁寧な感じが出せます。
I’ll have strawberry.
☑肯定文を使った注文の仕方です。I’ll have…あるいはI’d like…に続けて注文する品を言います。
◆Let’s Apply It
A. いらっしゃいませご注文は? Hello. May I help you?
B. ハンバンガ―一つと、Sサイズのフライドポテト2つをください。
Can I have one hamburger and two small French fries, please ?
◆Get It Right
1. コーヒーとチョコレートケーキをください。
(****)I (****) coffee and chocolate cake, please?
2. ダブルチーズバーガを5つと、Lサイズのコーラを2つください。
(***)(***)five double cheeseburgers and two large colas, please.
Wild Strawberry in my garden
すべてのフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト5問 - 結果