✸✸✸ sleep deprivation and diabetes
✸✸✸ 睡眠不足と糖尿病
In subsequent labs around the world, similar experiments were conducted many times, but the results were always the same. Even with less time to sleep than this, the negative effects of sleep deprivation were obvious.
Why does lack of sleep cause us to lose control of our blood sugar levels?
Cells ingested from people who were restricted to four to five hours of sleep over a week were no longer responsive to insulin. In a state of sleep deprivation, the cells stubbornly reject the call for insulin and don't try to create a drainage channel for glucose to flow. Even when blood sugar levels were dangerously high, the cells were not trying to absorb the glucose, but rather avoiding it. The drains are clogged and the glucose level keeps rising. The result is hyperglycemia.
Many people are aware that diabetes is a serious disease, but rarely do they know how serious it is. To put it in concrete figures, the average cost of treatment is $85,000 per person per year (US). And the lifespan will be 10 years shorter.
It is now widely accepted in developed countries around the world that chronic sleep deprivation is one of the major causes of type II diabetes. And if this is the cause, it would be easily preventable.
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