✸✸✸✸✸✸✸sleep deprivation and obesity
One theory is that your appetite increases with lack of sleep because you've burned more calories than usual by staying awake. Unfortunately, this theory is not correct. That's because, according to Van Cooter's experiment, there was no difference in the amount of calories consumed, whether you were sleep deprived or getting enough sleep. .
Even in the case of staying awake all 24 hours a day, you'll only consume 147 kilocalories more than you would if you got 8 hours of sleep. Apparently, the human brain and body burn quite a bit of calories even while sleeping. Therefore, the idea of conserving energy by sleeping is completely wrong. We don't bother going to sleep when danger is right in front of us, because the amount we can save is infinitesimal.
But the point here is that the extra calories you take in from lack of sleep are far more than the extra calories you consume from staying awake. To make matters worse, the less time you spend sleeping, the less energized your body will be. That means that sleep deprivation, which promotes increased appetite and lack of exercise, is the perfect obesity prescription.
🌌 肥満の処方箋って…!💦
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