グルメツアーでハングルレッスン! リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ 여기요,파전 하나하고 맥주 한 병 더 주세요.
○ 저는 삼겹살을 먹어요.
○ 돌솥비빔밥을 먹을래요.
○ 한식으로 하겠어요.
○ 막걸리도 드셔 보세요.
日常会話☆尋ねる時に使える リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ 小许,你家在哪儿?
○ 你有没有姐姐?
○ 什么时候走?
○ 上午还是下午?
○ 这个星期天你能来吗?
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年04月11日(水)版(No.309) - 結果
Q1 How can I eat them?
Q2 Charo is just about to fall asleep.
Q3 Hey, what are you hiding behind your back?
Q4 I'm so embarrassed I could die!
Q5 Hiroko's technical presentation was a key factor in getting an agreement.
有用表現2 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ The defendant danced around the question.
○ Do not try to avoid failure. Failure is the greatest teacher you will ever meet.
○ They sent out the wedding announcements far in advance.
○ New York is a place that epitomizes this music more than any place else.
○ I would say I was more ambitious than many of my classmates.
日記に使える『日常生活』 ハングル訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ 피곤하지만,재미있었어요.
○ 오래간만에 산에 가고 싶어요.
○ 한국에 가게 됐어요.
○ 나까지 눈물이 나올 것 같아.
○ 친구하고 만날 약속이 있어요.