不定詞と動名詞 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ I stopped working for the TV studio.
○ I quit acting.
○ It's difficult to read the weather in summer.
○ They meet regularly to play tennis.
○ It will be good for me to have a break from studying.
グルメツアーでハングルレッスン! ハングル訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ 한식으로 하겠어요.
○ 돌솥비빔밥을 먹을래요.
○ 여기요,파전 하나하고 맥주 한 병 더 주세요.
○ 막걸리도 드셔 보세요.
○ 저는 삼겹살을 먹어요.
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年04月25日(水)版(No.323) - 結果
Q1 How about if we rent it a whole day?
Q2 I wish I could be like you.
Q3 I'm listening for the result of the match.
Q4 Keep that time slot open for me.
Q5 Our company supplies a wide range of products.
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年04月25日(水)版(No.323) - 結果
Q1 How about if we rent it a whole day?
Q2 I wish I could be like you.
Q3 I'm listening for the result of the match.
Q4 Keep that time slot open for me.
Q5 Our company supplies a wide range of products.
グルメツアーでハングルレッスン! リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ 한식으로 하겠어요.
○ 막걸리도 드셔 보세요.
○ 저는 삼겹살을 먹어요.
○ 돌솥비빔밥을 먹을래요.
○ 여기요,파전 하나하고 맥주 한 병 더 주세요.