親子会話 リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ You can have it.
○ How can that be?
○ Stop faking it.
○ It's too late to do anything.
○ I've run out of gasoline.
初めてのデートで♪ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ 반갑습니다.
○ 오늘은 제가 한턱내겠습니다.
○ 이메일 주소가 어떻게 돼요?
○ 다음 주에 또 만나요.
○ 집이 어디예요?
疑問詞を使いこなそう! リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ 这个学期什么时候放假?
○ 地铁站在哪儿?
○ 运费怎么支付?
○ 这座楼里都有什么公司?
○ 你怎么还不睡觉?
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年04月20日(金)版(No.318) - 結果
Q1 You bet!
Q2 It is a pleasure to meet you.
Q3 She was fast asleep on her bed.
Q4 Actually, you caught me at a bad time.
Q5 You should call the hotel to confirm your reservation.
尊敬の表現 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
× 집 구하기가 힘드세요?
○ 할아버지, 진지 잡수세요.
○ 실례지만 아버님 연세가 어떻게 되세요?
○ 좋아요. 뭐든지 물으세요.
○ 누구 시집을 찾으세요?
日本の文化(トラッドジャパン) 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ It's said that more than 60 percent of all Japanese wedding ceremonies are Christian-style. And many Japanese women dream of wearing a Western-style wedding dress.
○ This is a Shinto wedding, held at a shrine... In this setting, the bride is usually dressed head-to-toe in white.
○ Confections are served before the tea. Tasting this morsel of sweetness before drinking the tea serves to accentuate the flavour of the tea itself.
○ The term <i>bento</i> is used for portable meals, usually packed in a special container.
○ Many of today's older generations spent a lot of time in their youth playing with spinning tops with their friends in the neighbourhood.