Ich war um halb fünf aufgewacht. Ich bin gerade aufgestanden unt zum Kleingarten gegangen. Es war kühl. Die Luft war frish. Ich habe die karotten gegossen. Dort habe ich den Fröschen begegnet. Sehr hübsch! Ich ging nach Hause zurück, bevor es zu heiß geworden ist.
Je me suis réveillée à quatre heures et demi. Je me suis levée tout de suite, et allée au potager. J'ai arrosé carpttes. J'ai recolté les gambos, les aubergines, et les tomates cerise. Je suis rentrée chez moi à six heures et demi.
I woke up at four thirty. I jumped out of futon and headed for the veggie garden. The air was cool and fresh. I gave plenty of water to carrots, eggplants, okura and so on. That's my morning ritual during the summer.
Thank you for your comments.
Your veggie plants are so lucky to get much water every morning.
I do watering to the new grafted buds several days only, such as Portulaca.
All cucumbers vines are withered already.
You woke up at 4:30 in the morning.
And immediately went to the vegetable garden.
At 4:30 in the morning, the air is cool and fresh.
It's 4:30 in the morning and the sun hasn't risen yet.
You gave carrots, eggplants, and okra plenty of water.
Without water, the vegetables will quickly wither.
You are an important person for the vegetables to live on a hot day.
Good luck tomorrow.
Please give water to the vegetables.