

☆無駄骨 ☆緊張をほぐす ☆棚上げにする ☆一発屋 ☆大衆を引き付ける人、もの

BBC Learning English Cross word

1. A wild (   ) chase is a phrase used to describe a situation when you spend a lot of time looking for something but never find it because you were given the wrong information.

[Example] We were told there was an excellent Korean restaurant in town and spent two hours looking for it, but we couldn't find it. We later found out it has closed down. What a wild (   ) chase!

It's a wild (   ) chase to do this without a plan. 

 ※ a wild goose chase  無駄骨、雲をつかむような話
 ※ go on a wild-goose chase  むだ骨を折る
 ※ lead someone on a wild‐goose chase むだな追求[努力]を人にさせる

 骨折り損のくたびれもうけ。 Great pains but all in vain. /  All but trouble for nothing.

2. To (   ) the ice means to get people who have not met before to feel relaxed and to start talking to each other.

[Example] Sometimes it's very difficult to (   ) the ice with our new students because they are so shy.

 ※ break the ice  緊張をほぐす、場を和やかにする、先鞭をつける、最初に取り組む

3. If you are chasing (   ), you are trying to do or achieve something that is not really possible or realistic.

[Example] I know you want to become an actor but I think you should stop chasing (   ) and get an office job. Becoming a successful actor is really hard!

 ※ chase rainbows  虹を追いかける、不可能なことを追求する
        ↑ 複数形

4. If someone says they are going to pop their (   ) out, they mean they are going to take a brief look outside.

[Example] I'm just going to pop my (   ) out and check the weather to see if I need to take an umbrella with me today.

 ※ pop one's head out  頭を出す、飛び出す

5. To put something on (   ). If you put something on ice you delay it.

[Example] We decided to put the project on (   ) for a while and concentrate on doing other things.

 ※ put something on ice  棚上げする、保留にする、延期する

6. If you have a flash of (   ) it means that you get a sudden idea that helps you create or achieve what you were hoping to do.

[Example] The idea for my song came to me in a flash of (   )!

 ※ a flash of inspiration  ひらめき

7. The expression a flash in the (   ) refers to someone or something that is popular or gets noticed, but only for a short period of time. a flash of inspiration

[Example] Susan had a number one hit with her song, but after that we never heard from her again. People said she was just a flash in the (   ).

 ※ a flash in the pan  一発屋、一時的な成功、まぐれ

8. If someone is described as being part of the (   ), they belong to a fashionable, popular or privileged group of people.

[Example] Jane was keen to be part of the (   ) so she bought the latest designer clothes.

 ※ in-crowd  排他的集団、仲間,身内

9. If your (   ) pop out of your head, it describes the look of complete surprise on your face when you see someone or something that is very unusual or surprising.

[Example] When John asked Jane to marry him and gave her a diamond ring, her (   )popped out of her head: it was completely unexpected.

 ※ eyes pop out of one's head  目の玉が飛び出るほど驚く

10. A (   ) pleaser is someone or something that is always popular with large numbers of people.

[Example] That kiss between Prince William and Princess Catherine was a real (   ) pleaser.

 ※ a crowd pleaser  大衆を引き付ける人、もの、思想


I like this expression,too.

2013年4月8日 7時50分





