

☆ 下心

・・・ ニュースで英会話 ・・・


 My boss suddenly started being nice to me. He must have some (   )(   ).

  ※ ulterior motive 秘められた動機、下心、思惑、魂胆

 FBI agents are (   )(   ) evidence to find out who's behind the attack at the Boston Marathon.

combing through  ※comb through  徹底的に捜査する、くまなく調べる、捜す

 ※ comb (名)くし、鶏のとさか、ハチの巣、精査

 The FBI's chief investigator says no one has (   )(   ) for the attack.

claimed responsibility ※claim responsibility for ~の犯行声明を出す

 He says the range of suspects and motives (   ) wide open.

remains  ※remain wide open  全く未解決のままである、皆目予測のつかない状態にある


 It will take time to follow every (   ) and determine what happened, but we will find out.

lead 手がかり、糸口 [clue, pointer]

lead [led] 鉛  go over like a lead balloon 〔提案が〕無視される、〔計画などが〕失敗する


OMG! 美语 Let's BOOGIE!


※boogie (名)ブギウギ(boogie-woogie)、鼻くそ(booger ; guber)、腫瘍(guber)

We gotta boogie to class! It starts in 5 minutes!

Let's boogie! We can't be late again!

Thanks for dinner! I gotta boogie. I have to go home and take care of my dog.

Alright, I am gonna boogie. Talk to ya later!

We need to tell 白洁 that she just can't boogie! Hurry before she comes over here!

Hey guys!! LET'S BOOGIE!!!!

You have a boogie on your nose.

OK you got it.

・・・・・ Old News Is New again ・・・・

Singer performs world’s coldest concert in Russia

An award-winning British singer has set a new Guinness World record for performing the world’s coldest concert.
Charlie Simpson undertook the challenge in the remote Russian village of Oymyakon, which is known as the coldest permanently inhabited place on earth.
With the temperature hovering at minus 30 degree Celsius, the strings of Simpson’s guitar froze.
But he nonetheless continued to play and sing for 15 minutes with several local women watching him.
Simpson said his fingers became so painful after the second song that he thought about stopping, but he was happy to have completed his goal.
British media have praised him for becoming the world’s “coolest” singer.

award-winning 賞を獲得したことがある
set a new Guinness World record ギネスブックの新記録を打ち立てる
undertake  ~を企てる、~に着手する、引き受ける、請け負う、~と断言する
hover 空中に浮かぶ、ホバリングする、〔二つの間で、数字などが〕さまよって
hovering at~ だいたい~前後で
nonetheless それにもかかわらず
praise A for B   AをBの理由で称賛する、AのBを褒める

Find the answers to the True/False questions.
1. A British singer set a new Guinness World record for performing the world’s coldest concert.
2. The strings of Simpson’s guitar froze with the temperature at around minus 50 degree Celsius.
3. He continued to play and sing for 15 minutes with dozens of local women.

Q. Where is the village Oymyakon located?
A. In the Russia.

Q. How did British media praise him?
A. They praised him for becoming the world’s “coolest” singer.


A team of Japanese researchers plans to send a talking humanoid robot to the International Space Station.
The robot is just over 30 centimeters tall and weighs about 1 kilogram.
A venture firm based in Kyoto is developing the robot’s body and leading automaker is creating a system that will recognize astronauts’ voices.
Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata will start his second long-term stay aboard the ISS in December.
If things go as planned, the robot will speak to Wakata in his mother tongue.
A project team member says astronauts accumulate stress in various forms during extended stays on the ISS and that the team hopes robot will be a fun way for the astronauts to relax.

leading automaker 大手[一流・主要]自動車メーカー
go as planned 予定通りにいく、計画通りにいく、設計通りに働く
long-term stay , extended stays 長期滞在
accumulate stress ストレスを蓄積する
in various forms さまざまな形で
a fun way for ~ to relax ~がリラックスする楽しいやり方

What is the robot like that is planned to send to the ISS?
a. It is big but light.
b. It is small and will recognize astronauts’ voices.
c. It is small and will speak in English.

Q. What does ISS stand for?
A. International Space Station
Q. Who is creating the system that will recognize astronauts’ voices?
A. A leading automaker.
Q. What will Koichi Wakata start in December?
A. His second long-term stay aboard the ISS.

Hi 理恵さん

 それは・・・ (*´――`)ン????

He must be so biddable and so sweet. でしょう(○´∀`○)
2013年4月22日 23時21分





