OMG! 美语 Cutie Patootie!
Your friend is a cutie patootie ! Is he single?
He's my boyfriend! Lay off!!
Lay off the jokes.
Lay off that stuff!
I told you to lay off bothering my little sister!
・・・・ Pronunciation Practice ・・・・・
[ e ] 日本語のエよりくっきりと Well said !(よく言った)
[ i ] イの口でエと発音 Big hit !
fresh fish
feel ill
It's a very big hit.
This is a fresh fish dish.
Ben fell ill on a hill.
Q.What do you get if you walk in rain without an umbrella?
(a) wet (b) wit
Q.What do you get after a meal at a restaurant?
(a) bell (b) bill
Who edited it? Ed didn't edited it. Ned edited it.
[s] 押忍の、ス So soon?(もう帰るの)
[ ʃ ] シッー静かにの、シッ ship shape
sea shore
silk shirt
She is not so sure.
Let's get some sunshine.
We don't have short socks in stock.(ショートソックスは在庫にありません。)
Q.What a large rectangle piece of bed linen called?
(a) seat (b) sheet
Q. Which of the following is a personally trait?
(a) selfish (b) shellfish
What does she sell?
She sells sea shells by the sea shore of the sailshels.
selfish? shellfish? といえば・・・
・・・ 4/9 おと基礎 ・・・
( In the Cathedral)
Mika: Wow, this is amazing! These designs are very interesting. There is even a sheep!
Maria:That's right. Lots of these designs are of New Zealand animals and plants.
Mika: They're really nice! Baskets, fish and... what are those?
Maria:They're shellfish.
Mika: Selfish?
Maria:No, no, no! SHELLFISH. You know, seafood.
Mika: Shell?
Since getting married, my brother has been totally transformed.
※transform 変貌させる、一変させる、変形させる、転換する、変貌する、様変わりする
His transformation into a devout Muslim was a radical change.