

☆元気をだして ☆厳しく罰するぞ ☆連絡するよ ☆きわどいタイミングで ☆熱中する

BBC Learning English Cross Word

1. “to go (   )” ; to be so excited that we act almost out of control!
2. “man (   )” ; a man gets a minor cold or perhaps a sore throat, many women refer to it as man (   )” .
3. "something which “costs an arm and a (   )” is very expensive!
4. “to feel (   )” means to feel pleased with yourself.
5. “to keep their (   ) up” ; stay positive in a tough situation.
6. “to keep someone (   ) about something” ; to keep them informed about something
7. "someone is described as “drop dead (   ) ”, it means they are really good looking.
8. “(   ) up” : an informal and sometimes rude expression meaning “be quiet”, in a formal context, "Could you please be quiet?"
9. “throw the (   ) at somebody” ; to impose the maximum penalty on somebody who has been breaking the rules.
10. If you do something “by the skin of your (   ) ”, it means that you did it by a narrow margin – so you just managed to do it, or almost failed.
 If you “get your (   ) into something”, it means that you become really involved in it.

1. bananas ; go bananas 頭がおかしくなる、熱狂する、怒り狂う、機械などがいかれる
2. flu ; man flu  男性がインフルエンザだと間違って自己診断している通常の風邪
3. leg ; costs an arm and a leg (出費が〕高くつく
4. chuffed ; feel chuffed 〈英〉うれしい気持ちになる 
5. chin ; keep one's chin up  元気を失わない、元気を出す
6. posted ; keep someone posted  人に最新情報を伝える、絶えず連絡をする、連絡を保つ 
7. gorgeous ; drop dead gorgeous 驚くほど見事な、とても魅力的な、とてもきれいな 
8. shut ; shut up  うるさい!静かにしろ! / まさか!そんなばかな!
9. book ; throw the book at somebody 人を厳しく罰する
10. teeth ; by the skin of one's teeth  辛うじて、間一髪で [in the nick of time]
  get one's teeth into something  ~に熱心に取り組む、没頭する、深入りする

1. go bananas 頭がおかしくなる、熱狂する、怒り狂う、機械などがいかれる
After the team scored its fourth goal in the final the fans went bananas and started to shout and jump up and down!

2. man flu 男性がインフルエンザだと間違って自己診断している通常の風邪

3. cost an arm and a leg (出費が〕高くつく
I'd like to travel all over Europe, but the air fare might cost me an arm and a leg.
You have to pay a lot of money to give your children a good education nowadays!
A place in a top university costs an arm and a leg.

4. feel chuffed 〈英〉うれしい気持ちになる
I'm feeling rather chuffed with my exam results. I got a distinction!
She's lost four kilos, she must be feeling well chuffed!.
“rather chuffed” is quite formal and perhaps even a little old fashioned.
“well chuffed” is much more informal and more colloquial.

5. keep one's chin up  元気を失わない、元気を出す
When young people say it is difficult to earn a living nowadays, I tell them to work hard, keep their chin up and they will go places. 
  ※ go places 出世する、成功する、あちこち旅行する、遊び歩く

6. keep someone posted  人に最新情報を伝える、絶えず連絡をする、連絡を保つ
I'll keep you posted. See you later!
I don't know what time they're arriving, but I'll keep you posted!
Keep me posted on how things go in your new job!
I kept them posted on what was happening.

7. drop dead gorgeous 驚くほど見事な、とても魅力的な、とてもきれいな 
You might think he is drop dead gorgeous, but I think I am going to die laughing!

8. shut up うるさい!静かにしろ! / まさか!そんなばかな!
I'm so tired. And thirsty. When are we going to get there? If only you'd drive a bit faster... ― Will you please shut up? I can't concentrate with your constant moaning.
When someone says something silly or ridiculous, we can say “shut up”, it means "I don't believe you" or "Don't be ridiculous!"
I look fat in this dress. It's so clingy!  ― Oh shut up! You look great.
I just read the whole book in an hour. ― Shut up! No one can read that quickly.

9. throw the book at somebody 人を厳しく罰する
I'm your teacher! Pay attention to what I'm saying! If you continue cheating in your exams I'm going to throw the book at you!
The book is supposed to be the list of rules and regulations and the expression is used by people in a position of authority.

10. by the skin of your teeth 辛うじて、間一髪で [in the nick of time]
  get one's teeth into ~に熱心に取り組む、没頭する、深入りする
I made it just by the skin of my teeth [in the nick of time].
Hi, I'm stuck in a traffic jam – I might still make it to the presentation, but it'll be by the skin of my teeth.
It's good to be able to get your teeth into English phrases like this.
Oh no! I've just remembered, I have a dentist's appointment at twelve o'clock – it's ten to twelve now, I'll never make it!
You go, if you run you might make it, but by the skin of your teeth!






