

☆猫も杓子も ☆無用の長物 ☆年相応に ☆チャンスを逃す

 BBC Learning English Crossword

1.”the writing is on the (  )”; when we want to say that something bad is going to happen to something or someone and there isn't much you can do about it.

2. When you say ”someone or something can't cut the (  )” you mean that it's not good enough.

3. “over the (  )“ ; extremely pleased and happy.

4. If you want to talk about lots of unspecified people you can use the phrase “every Tom, Dick and (  ) ”.

5. “a white (  )” ; something which is large, costs a lot of money to keep and has no useful purpose.

6. “take something with a (  ) of salt ” ; If you take something with a pinch of salt, it means you don't completely believe it.

7. Something that's not complicated or difficult to understand – “it's not (  ) science ”.

8. If someone thinks you're being childish, immature, too young for your age, they can tell you to act your age, not your (  ) size.

9. If something goes down a (  ) it means it's massively successful and enjoyable.

10. “to miss the (  )” ; we mean that we are too late to take advantage of a good opportunity.

1. wall : the writing is on the wall 不吉な前兆、 失敗・災害の前兆
2. mustard : can't cut the mustard  期待に応えられない
3. moon : be over the moon 大喜びしている[ be on cloud nine] 
4. Harry : every Tom, Dick and Harry  猫も杓子も、[ everybodey and his brother ]
5. elephant : a white elephant 無用の長物 [ a useless object, deadwood ]
6. pinch: take ~ with a pinch [grain] of salt 疑ってかかる、うのみにしない、話半分に聞く
          ※ 鵜呑みにする swallow ~(hook, line and sinker) 
7. rocket : not rocket science  難しいことではない
8. shoe : Act your age, not your shoe size. 幼稚なことはやめて年相応に振舞って。
9. storm: go down a storm 大いに盛り上がる
10. boat : miss the boat  好機を逸す、チャンスを逃す

1. the writing is on the wall 不吉な前兆、 失敗・災害の前兆

If you don't improve your performance, they'll fire you. Can't you see the writing on the wall?

2. can't (don't) cut the mustard  期待に応えられない、要求される基準を満たすことができない

That doesn't cut the mustard.

I don't think he can cut the mustard.

3.be over the moon  大喜びしている[ be on cloud nine] 

They’re over the moon since the suspect was arrested.

Willy is on cloud nine about his transfer to New York. :

I am over the moon that it was a successful outcome.

4. every Tom, Dick and Harry  猫も杓子も、普通の人、誰も彼も

シー!声を落として! 僕たちの話、誰にも聞かれたくないんだ。
Shhhhh! Lower your voice! We don't want every Tom, Dick and Harry to hear us.

Every Tom, Dick, and Harry travels abroad during Golden Week holidays.

5.a white elephant 無用の長物 [ a useless object, deadwood ]

That hall is a white elephant; it cost millions, but is always empty.

The new airport is a white elephant! It's got four runways and it's equipped with the latest technology, but not many people visit this region.

6.take ~ with a pinch [grain] of salt  【直訳】一粒の塩を加えて食べる ⇒ 完全には信じない、疑ってかかる、うのみにしない、話半分に聞く、眉につばを付けて聞く、

The other day he told me he speaks 23 languages fluently.
I take everything he says with a pinch of salt because I know he likes to exaggerate.

I really do have to take what you say and do with a pinch of salt.

7.not rocket science  難しいことではない

How do I switch this thing on?
It's not rocket science. Just press 'on' on the handset.

How do I cook this soup?
Come on Rob, it's not rocket science, all you have to do is open the tin and heat it up.

8.Act your age, not your shoe size 幼稚なことはやめて年相応にして、振舞って

I was really upset. She just told me to act my age not my shoe size!

These people are so childish. They need to act their age not their shoe size.

(Laughing in background)  Will you please act your age not your shoe size?!

9.go down a storm 大いに盛り上がる

You should have seen the new band last night. They went down a storm with the audience.

I like the looks of this new toy. I'm sure it'll go down a storm with our customers.

10.miss the boat  好機を逸す、チャンスを逃す

I can't help feeling I missed the boat!

If I hadn't bought a new flat last year I would have missed the boat. Properties are more expensive now.

I should have travelled the world when I was young. Now I have a family to take care of. I might have missed the boat.






