Thank God!
It’s sunny day! A good day for laundry!
Sticking to one of my catchy slogans, “Move it to lose it”, I went about the household chores. I hang out the washing, aired our eiderdowns which had been in the closet during the summer. They’ll be in the sun enough for 2 hours before I go to work.
On such a sunny day, I always look around the house and see if there are more to be washed. And I do the washing many times. But today I'm leaving home for work at 10:30. So I gave up doing it any more.
Now I’m sitting at the table by the window over a cup of coffee, feeling the crisp air and gentle sunshine in autumn.
I made hot coffee instead of iced one this morning.
I need such a relaxing and comfortable time once a day.
「減量には動け」のスローガンを守って、朝からせっせと動き回り家事を片付けた。洗濯物と、夏中クローゼットに眠っていた羽根布団を日なたに干した。 仕事行く前に、たっぷり2時間はおひさまにあてられる。
Today's expressions
stick to ~ : ~を守る、~に固執する
go about the household chores : せっせと家事をこなす
hung out the washing : 洗濯物を干す
air the futon : 布団を干す
in the sun : ひなたに
enough for 2 hours : たっぷり2時間
see if S+V ~ : SがVするかどうか調べる、見てみる
crisp : (形容詞)かりかり、しゃきしゃき、てきぱきとした、ぴんとした
crisp bacon カリカリベーコン
crisp lettuce シャキッとしたレタス
crisp morning air さわやかな(ひんやりした)朝の空気
crisp a 10000yen bill ピンとした10000札(10000円のピン札)
How cute your rabbit is!
So, she(he?)was born just a few months ago?
Does he eat carrot like Peter Rabbit in the tale?
My name, peko, comes from peko chan in front of the famous cake shop.
Everyone says that I resemble her.
Oh, did you?
Wasn't it hard to do chores before going work?
But the busier we are, the more efficient we can spend time.
Well, it may not once a day but twice a day.
I'm now relaxed with a glass of red wine.
Thank you, あやこさん!
I've just come home and finished a light meal.
Now I'm relaxing a glass of red wine in order to shake off my fatigue.
The hardest day is over.
We need such a relaxing and comfortable time once a day.
Now I'm drinking a cup of coffee with a cookie in my office.