[REUTERS WINS PULITZERS] -Tuesday, April 17, 2018-
The Reuters news agency has won two Pulitzer Prizes. One of the prestigious awards was for the agency's reporting on the war on drugs in the Philippines. The other recognized its feature photography documenting the Rohingya refugee crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh.
The awards committee said the Reuters photos "exposed the world to the violence Rohingya refugees faced in fleeing Myanmar."
On the reporting prize, the awards committee said that Reuters' coverage has been recognized for "exposing the brutal killing campaign behind the Philippine president's war on drugs." The reporting brought to light allegations that a police squad killed with impunity.
The agency's editor-chief said the awards will shine a light on the stories of people who are often marginalized.
(Stephen Adler / President and Editor-in-Chief, Reuters)
"There were Rohingya who were fleeing and going to a place where they're going to be living under very difficult circumstances, one of the most heartbreaking stories in the world today."
-[the Reuters news agency]「ロイター通信(国際ニュース通信社)」
-[the Pulitzer Prize] ピュリツァー賞
⇒新聞経営者ジョーセフ=ピュリツァー(Joseph Pulitzer)の遺言により1917年に制定され、毎年、アメリカ国内の報道や文学など21の部門を対象に優れた業績を上げた個人や団体に贈られる賞で、コロンビア大学が運営しています。
-[prestigious] 名声のある、高名な
-[recognize] (業績などを)評価する、認める、たたえる
-[feature photography] 特集写真
-[document] 記録する
-[the Rohingya refugee crisis] ロヒンギャの避難民の危機
-[the awards committee]=[Pulitzer Prize Board] ピュリツァー賞を選考する委員会
-[expose] (隠れていたものを)明るみに出す、さらけ出す、暴露する
-[flee] 逃げる、⇒[flee the country] 亡命する
-[the reporting prize] (ピュリツァー賞の)報道部門の賞
-[coverage] 取材
-[campaign] (組織的な)運動、活動、キャンペーン
-[brutal] 残忍な、残酷な、野蛮な
-[bring to light-]=[bring - to light] ~を明らかにする/~を明るみに出す
-[allegation] 申し立て、主張
-[squad] (警察や軍隊の)分隊、⇒[police squad] 警察隊、警官隊
-[impunity] 処罰を受けないこと、刑事免責
⇒[with impunity] 何らおとがめなしで、責任を問われることなく
-[the agency's editor-in-chief] ロイター通信の編集長(スティーブ・アドラー編集主幹)
-[shine a light on-] ~に光を当てる
-[marginalize] 周縁化する、社会から取り残す/置き去りにする
⇒[margin] 縁(ふち)、端、(ページの)余白/欄外
⇒[marginalize] 縁や端に追いやる、主流から外す
⇒[marginalized group] 社会から疎外された集団
-[heartbreaking] 胸が張り裂けるような、痛ましい
-[under very difficult circumstances] とても困難な状況下で
-[expose] さらす、暴露する、明るみに出す、露出する
-[exposure] さらすこと
⇒[In the summertime, people put on sunscreen in order to reduce the effects of exposure to the sun.]
*-1. expose the world to- 「世界に~を知らせる」
*-2. expose the brutal killing campaign behind -
1. It is important to expose your children to as many different experiences as possible.
-[as many - as possible] 「できるだけ多くの~」
2. With his cover exposed, the actor took off his hat, smiled, and took a photo with his eager fan.
-[cover] 偽装