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■ビジネス英語Interview Leonard Slatkin 1-後半
So you try to convey your feelings, as well as what is in the music, while conducting.
How do you explore what is in the music?
■ 現代英語
Narita airport to get 40 percent of energy needs from solar
Japan's busiest international travel hub is going green.
Narita Airport near Tokyo says it will install a solar panel system that will eventually supply a big potion of its energy needs.
The initiative is a joint venture of Narita International Airport Corporation and Tokyo Gas.
They had crated a firm that will install a vast array of solar panels next to runways, and on building rooftops.
The panels are expected to cover about 200 hectares by the time they are all in place at the end of fiscal 2045.
The system will generate 180 megawatts of power.
Narita officials say that's enough to provide 40 percent of the airport's annual energy needs.
The venture is expected to cost roughly 100 billion yen, or about 740 million dollars.
go green 環境にやさしくなる
initiative 新しい試み
joint venture 合弁企業
vast 広大な 膨大な
an array of ~ 大量にずらりと並んだ~
next to runways 滑走路の脇
〇take away(持ち帰る=大切なポイント)
Ingredienti per 2 persone 材料2人分
4 costolette di maiale スペアリブ4本
1/2 cipolla たまねぎ1/2
1/2 carota にんじん1/2
1/2 costa di sedano セロリの茎1/2
1/2 bicchiere du vino rosso 赤ワイングラス1/2(50cc)
350g di passata di pomodoro トマトピューレ350g
125g di farina di mais per polenta ポレンタ用とうもろこし粉125g
500ml di acqua 水 500ml
qualche foglia di basilico バジルの葉 数枚
olio extravergine di oliva エクストラバージンオリーブオイル
sale fino e grosso 塩(精製塩・粗塩)
pepe こしょう
soffriggere 軽く炒める
cuocere 火を通す、炒める
sfumare con il vino ワインで風味づけしアルコールをとばす
postare ad ebollizione 沸騰させる
piatto da portata 大皿
pepe コショウ なんとなく分かる気がします🐧
Same here.
It's a nice day for shopping and gardening!
Thank you for your comment this morning. Have a great day!