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D:So, not to be rude, but we have a substantially better wine list than that of your current company. How will you utilize this advantage?
L:I want to take these wines to high-end Japanese restaurants. While restaurants serving French cuisine are experimenting with Japanese sake, Japanese restaurants are experimenting less with wine. Our competitors have realized this and and started their approach, but you have a broader range of wines to offer, at any price point.
E:I see. That's interesting. What about our private customers? I'm not sure if you're aware, but our biggest source of revenue is private collectors - rich individuals who collect and drink the finest of wines, sometimes worth up to $20,000 per bottle.
L:I have little experience with super rich customers, but if I can get afoot in the door, I can hopefuly open up my client list through referrals.
not to be rude, but 失礼かもしれませんが
substantially 大幅に かなり
utilize 活用する
high-end 高級志向の 最高級の
experiment 実験する 試す
revenue 売上 収入
worth 価値のある
get a foot in the door きっかけをつくる 足がかりをつかむ
referral 紹介 推薦
〇get a foot in the door きっかけをつくる 足がかりをつかむ
If I can get afoot in the door, I can hopefully open up my client list through referrals.
I managed to get a foot in the door working as an intern.
A:I couldn't meet the CEO, but at least I get afoot in the door.
★gain(get) a foothold 足場を築く *emerging market(新興市場)
How can we gain a foothold in the emerging markets?
★stepping stone to(towards)~への足掛かり、~への布石 *transfer(転勤)
I want to use this transfer as a stepping stone to a global career.
While my experience in HR is limited, I've always involved in the training of my subordinates. I'd like to utilize that experience to curate a company-wide training program.
Over the past few years, I've been preparing myself for a managerial role by following in the footsteps of my manager as a role model.
③海外営業への移動 stint:仕事に従事していた期間・任務
I learned the basic of international commercial contracts during my stint in the legal department, and I want to apply that knowledge to negotiations with foreign buyers.
①You've been a great help.
→現在完了形 過去から今までずっと助けになっていた
②It was our pleasure to have you with us.
③I'm going to miss Grandma's wonderful English cooking. I love a cottage pie.
→be going to 現在に原因や意図がありto以下に進んでいる「未来」。
Thank you so much for everything. You've been a great help.
Thank you for everything. I've learned evrything I know about this job from you.
Thank you very much. You always listen to me when I need a friend.
Thanks a lot. I couldn't have carried these bags by myself.
Thanks a million. We made short work of these tasks.
*make short work of :仕事をさっさと片付ける
1 Thank you for everything. You've made today a success.
2 Thank you very much. I love chocolate cake.
3 Thanks a lot. Your explanation was helpful.
■入門イタリア語 Lezione4 名詞と定冠詞
Che cos'è il bombolone?
①-o 男性名詞
cappucino cornetto(クロワッサン)
②-a 女性名詞
pizzetta (ピザパン) spremuta (生絞りジュース)
③-e 男性名詞・女性名詞
caffè colazione
①il cappuccino, il caffè
②la pizzetta, la colazione
〇トレーニングメニュー 発音しましょう
1 il tavolo(テーブル)/ la porta(ドア)/ la sedia(椅子)/ il letto(ベッド)
2 la chiave(鍵)/ il bicchiere(グラス)/ la carne(肉)/ il pesce(魚)/ il televisore(テレビ)
I'll try to listen to it later, too.
"Get a foot in the door"
It's interesting expression.
But I can imagine it. Thank you!