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*foul:反則する 汚す /in good faith 誠意をもって
subject: Thank you!
Dear Mr Caine
Thank you for hiring me as wholesale marketing assistant at WCS Tokyo. I was over the moon to hear the good news.
There is a saying: “A bird does not foul the nest that it is about to leave. ”I'll work in good faith at my current workplace until my last day.
I look forward to joining WCS next month!
〇ダニエルの返信 *sorely: とても /cherish :大切にする
Dear Lisa
Thank you for your note.
You will probably experience mixed feelings when you leave your current company, as I imagine you'll be sorely missed by your colleagues. Please cherish the remaining days at your present firm.
I'm glad we're able to welcome you to WCS Tokyo.
PS*You can address me as “Daniel,” by the way.
〇理沙の返信 *outweigh:上回る / induction day:入社日
Dear Daniel
Thank you for your kind words. ★「お気遣いに感謝します。」
I would be lying if I said that I don't have mixed feelings. But I'm fine now because the joy of working for WCS outweighs them.
I look forward to my induction day.
It was very thoughtful of you.
It's very considerate of you to say so.
■ 現代英語 Hotel Rwanda Hero released from prison
A former hotel manager portrayed as a hero in the film “Hotel Rwanda” has been released from prison in the east African country.
Reuters news agency reports that U.S. government pressure helped free Paul Rusesabagina.
The Rwandan government announced Friday that it had commuted his 25-year sentence.
The U.S. permanent resident was released the same day.
He is known for sheltering nearly 2,000 people at a high-end hotel in the capital, Kigali, during Rwandan genocide.
The violence left more than 800,000 people dead.
Rusesabagina later became a vocal critic of the government.
He was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2021 for alleged involvement in terrorism and other charges.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken welcomed the move in a statement on Friday.
He also reaffirmed the U.S. principle of seeking political change in Rwanda and globally through peaceful means.
commute his 25-year sentence 彼の25年の刑を減刑する
*commute 減刑する / sentence 判決、判決で下された刑罰
leave+人+~ 人を~という状態にする
a vocal critic of the government 政府に対し声高に批判する人
reaffirm 再確認する 再び断言する
〇Friday/ on Friday どちらでも「金曜日に」という意味になる。
* 英語は単語の順によって単語の役割が決まる言語。
1994年、ルワンダで民族抗争が激化し80万人以上が犠牲となる民族虐殺がありました。それを映画化した「ホテルルワンダ」で、ヒーローとして描かれ、テロに関与したということで有罪になったホテルの元支配人(ポール ルセサバギナさん)が釈放されたというニュースです。
A Carnevale ogni scherzo vale!
【表現の解説 】動詞valere: 有効である
ogni scherzo vale あらゆる冗談は有効
valere la pena ~する価値がある
(non) ne vale la pena それをする価値がある、価値がない
Doveresti andarci, ne vale proprio la pena.
Questi coltelli non valgono niente.
〇Ingredienti per 30 frappe
(材料 フラッペ30個分:3×10cm)
・100g di farinaOO 小麦粉00タイプ 100g
・20g di burro バター 20g
・1 uovo 卵 1個
・1/2 cucchiaio di zucchero 砂糖 大匙1/2
・scorza di 1/2 limone レモンの皮(すりおろしたもの)1/2個分
・zucchero a velo 粉砂糖
・20ml di liquore リキュール 20ml
・1 bustina di vanillina oppure essenza di vabiglia
バニラパウダー1袋(0.5g) バニラエッセンスで代用可
・1 litro di olio di oliva オリーブオイル 1リットル
・sale 塩
spianatoia のし台
a fontana (噴水型の)山盛りに
lavorare l'impasto 生地を練る
pellicola trasparente ラップ
carta assorbene キッチンペーパー
Sounds fun!
Come to think of it , there's a similar shop in my town.
I bought "バルサミコ酢" the other day.
By the way, thank you for telling me flower's name.