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Subject: Induction Seminar
Dear Emily
I submitted the online questionnaire separately - I am emailing you just say thanks the other day.
I was deeply impressed by the long relationship between Bordeaux wines and England, the depth of the wine business and the road of WCS has played. It made me more concious that I've become a member of WCS family.
I hope to contribute to the company sooner rather than later.
Hi Lisa
Thank you for your kind note.
It's good to hear the seminar was meaningful for you in many ways.
I'm glad you deepened your understanding of how WCS is involved in more than just the import and export of wine.
By the way, Daniel and I just decided to visit Tokyo next month. Let7s explore wines that go well with Japanese food!
A1: I didn't expect to have the opportunity to meet you so soon after joining the company.
A2:I thought I wouldn't be able to meet you until much later after I joined the company.
Dear Emily
It's great to hear that you're both coming to Japan. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to meet you so soon after joining the company.
In the meantime, I'll be looking for Japanese restaurants that have the potential to become WCS client.
Looking forward to your visit to Japan!
*in the meantime ところで、その間、それまでは
■ラジオ英会話12 あいさつの応答
①We moved to an island in southern Japan.
②That sounds so different from here.
知覚動詞(sound feel look smell taste)がbe動詞に被さる文。
③Yes, it's a completely different way of life.
④What are you doing there?
⑤I still haven't figured it out yet, but I will.
*figure out :理解する、~の見当がつく
⑥I see. Let's catch up later.
*catch up 近況報告をする
⑦Sounds good.
〇How are you doing? -Fine, thanks. How about you?
How are you?
-Couldn't be better.(絶好調です)
-Never been better.(最高です)
-Very good.(とても元気です)
How's today treating you?
-Can't complain.(まあまあです)
-I'm all right.(元気ですよ)
How are you doing?
-Not bad.(まあまあです)
-Pretty good.(なかなかいいです)
What's up/ new?
-Not much.(特に何も)
-Nothing much.(いつもどおり、まあまあ)
1 Very good. How about you?
2 I'm all right. And yourself?
3 Never been better. You doing OK?(Are you doing OK?からareが省略されている)
■マッテオのレシピ12か月【4月】Pasta con carciofi e gamberi
Sezze, piccoli paese situato nella provincia di Latina.
In questo borgo collinare, a pochi chilometri dalla città dove sono nato e cresciuto, nel mese di aprile si svolge una delle manifestazioni culinarie più note e suggestive del territorio, la Sagra del carciofo.
Nei giorni dell'evento, le foglie verdi e violacee di questa pianta, dal gusto unico e inconfondibile, colorano i vicoletti e le piazze del centro storico addobbato a festa.
Grandi tavolate, bancarelle e mercatini sono allestiti all'aperto e migliaia di turisti vengono ad assaporare i carciofi cucinati dalla gente del posto nei modi più disparati: all'a giudia(fritti interi nell'orio d'oliva), alla romana (stufati con un trito di aglio ed erbe), o al forno.
Ma abbinati con i gamberi, per condire la pasta, sono la fine del mondo!
①situato<situare 位置させるの過去分詞
②borgo 大きな町
collinare 丘の
sono nato e cresciuto 生まれ育った
si svolge <svolgersi 行われる
manifestazioni 催し
culinarie 料理法に関する
suggestive 魅惑的な
la Sagra del carciofo アーティチョークの収穫祭
③violacee すみれ色の
gusto 味
unico 個性的
inconfondibile 独特の
④bancarelle 屋台
mercatini 市場
allestiti<allestire 設置する
all'aperto 屋外
assaporare 味わう
gente del posto 地元の人々
modi 方法
disparati 全く異なった
alla giudia ユダヤ風
stufati<stufare 弱火でふたをして煮込むの過去分詞
⑤condire 味付けする
fine del mondo この世の終わり=転じて最高という意味。
I'm interested in such a mysterious vegetable, Calciofi.