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■ビジネス英語 Interview Leonard Slatkin 3
〇Listening point
1 What makes an orchestra similar to a computer?
2 What changed after the majority of the NHK Symphony Orchestra became Japanese?
You mentioned in your book “Classical Crossroads” that the guest conductor should inherit the sound associated with that orchestra's music director. In that context, could you describe the distinctive qualities or styles of the NHK Symphony Orchestra?
Leonard Slatkin:
I think it's important to understand and perhaps make a parallel to the business world here.
If you run a company that makes computers, you're in competition with many companies who make computers.
But a computer basically is the same thing no matter who's running the company. (That's right.)
It has a job to do.
So what makes one computer different than another one?
It's the little details.
It might be the way the keyboard feels, could be the processor, could be a lot of different things.
But essentially, it's the same thing.
An orchestra is like that.
We have the same number of violins, trumpets....
The members of the orchestra are the same.
But what makes one orchestra different from another one?
Now, the NHK Symphony is a very special example.
When I first started coming to Japan, in the early 1980's, Japan was still under the influence of musicians who'd come from other countries.
Today, in the NHK, I don't know that there are any musicians left from other countries.
I think maybe they're almost all Japanese.
So what changed?
Well, the musicians gradually learned everything they needed know from Europeans who were here.
And they found their own voice as an orchestra.
In the woodwinds, for example, here, the instruments themselves often are made in Japan.
That makes a difference.
The wood is different - even the kind of metal is different.
So there's a special sound.
The strings, which is the hearts of the orchestra, the string section - that's what makes an orchestra different than a band ...
The strings come from ,any different schools of thought, so many of the players will have studied either in Europe or in the States or here, so they bring different thoughts.
inherit 受け継ぐ
associated with ~を連想させる ~と関係がある
make a parallel to
It has a job to do. コンピューター(it)には果たすべき役割がある
woodwinds 木管楽器
band 吹奏楽団
school of thought 流派
〇Answers to Listening Points
1 The fact that it's essentially the same thing despite differences in small details.
2 They found their own voice as an orchestra.
It seems there were quite a few foreign instrumentalists in the early '80s, but there must have been many Japanese applicants to join the orchestra.
*instrumentalist 演奏家
*quite a few かなり多い数の
→Why did the orchestra bring in musicians from abroad rather that within the country?
■マッテオのレシピ12か月【3月】Zeppole di San Giuseppe 料理の手順
Inziamo preparando la pasta choux.
In un pentolino con dell'acqua e un po' di sale facciamo sciogliere il burro tagliato a pezzetti.
Poco prima di raggiungere il bollore togliamo dal fuoco e aggiungiamo la farina in una sola volta.
Mescoriamo energicamente, facendo amalgamare bene gli ingredienti.
Cuociamo ancora per qualche minuto e lasciamo raffreddare in una ciotola.
Aggiungiamo un uovo alla volta e mescoliamo bene.
Trasferiamo l'impasto in un sac à poche a bocchetta stellata.
Su una teglia foderata con carta da forno formiamo delle ciambelle, facendo due giri una sopra l'altro e facciamo cuocere in forno preriscaldato per circa 25 minuti.
Nel frattempo prepariamo la crema pasticcera.
In un pentolino a fuoco spento mescoliamo u tuori con lo zucchero.
Uniamo la farina e la facciamo assorbire.
Versiamo il latte, mescoliamo e facciamo cuocere fino a quando non avremo ottenuto una crema liscia e compatta.
Trasferiamo la crema in un sac à poche e ricopriamo le ciambelle.
Decoriamo conle amarene sciroppate e lo zucchero a velo, e serviamo!
② sciogliere 溶かす
a pezzetti (成句) 小さく、細かく
③raggiungere 追いつく 到達する
bollore (名)沸騰
togliere 移す 取り除く
in una sola volta 一度に
amalgamare 混ぜる
⑤raffreddare 冷ます
ciotra ボウル 小鉢
⑥alla volta (成句)一度に~ずつ
⑧teglia 天板
foderata 裏打ちされた 敷いた
ciambelle リング状のもの
due giri 2周
uno sopra l'altro もう一方の上に
preriscaldato (形)予熱した
I only made "シュークリーム" once.
I'd like to try it again. Thank you!
tuorli 卵黄
⑩spento (形)火や灯りが消えた spegnereの過去分詞
⑪assorbire 吸収する
⑫ottenere ~を得る 達成する
liscia (形)スムーズな 滑らかな
compatta (形)濃密な