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■ビジネス英語12 Danielから世界中の部員あてに新人の歓迎メッセージ
Subject: Welcome message
To all sales and marketing staff
We are pleased to announce new members joining the WCS family:
・Lisa Ogawa(Wholesale Marketing Assistant, Tokyo)
Lisa, who previously worked at Japanese wine-trading company, will be in charge of local corporate clients, such as hotels, restaurants, and retail stores.
・Lucy Cheng(Assistant Manager, Hong Kong)
Having worked at a French beverage firm in Hong Kong, Lucy joined us to take on a new responsibility to promote private sales in the Greater China area.
Please join me in wishing Lisa and Lucy success in their careers as WCS.
*Greater China:(ネットから引用)大中国圏 中国経済圏 中国のほか、華僑が移り住んだ歴史をもつ香港台湾シンガポールといった国・地域全域のこと。
*Please join me in wishing 私と一緒に願ってください。
Dear Daniel
Thank you for sending the announcement. It's a great encouragement for me to be acknowledged by everyone on the team. I also feel that I joined a truly global organization.
My first day at WCS is about finish. It's premature to say that I've gotten used to the new environment, but my colleagues are very supportive. I'm excited to be part of this great team.
Hopefully, I'll have an opportunity to talk to you soon.
*It's premature to say that ~と言うのは早すぎますが(時期尚早ですが)
Dear Lisa
It's nice to hear that your colleagues are supportive. With the positive attitude you showed us during the recruiting process, you'll get used to the new job in no time.
Actually, we're planning an induction seminar next month, probably either on Tue 9 or Wed 10, in the late afternoon Tokyo time. I look forward to talking to you then.
Best of luck
■マッテオのレシピ12か月【3月】Zeppole di San Giuseppe 表現と材料
〇Ti voglio bene!(大好きだよ)
自分の愛情を伝える表現。voglio il tuo bene(君の幸せを願う)という意味。
恋愛感情で結ばれたカップルが囁く“ti amo”と混同しないようにしましょう。
★volere bene a + 人 =が好きだよ
"ti voglio bene"の原形は「volere bene a + 人」。
ti=a te 間接補語人称代名詞
Mamma, ti vogliamo tante bene!
Carla, ti voglio bene! Mi dai un passaggio a casa?
(カルラ、大好きだよ! 家まで車で送ってくれないかな?)
★TVB 、TVTB(ti voglio tanto bene)
〇Ingredienti per 4 zeppole 材料4人分
①Per la pasta choux(シュー生地用)
75g di farina 00 小麦粉00タイプ75g
25g di burro バター25g
2 uova 卵2個
125ml di acqua 水 125ml
sale 塩
②Per la crema pasticcera(カスタードクリーム用)
250ml di latte 牛乳250ml
2 tuorti 卵黄2個分
40g di zucchero 砂糖 40g
20g di farina 00 小麦粉00タイプ 20g
③Per la decorazzione(装飾用)
4 amarene sciroppate シロップ漬けのアマレーナ
oppure fragole 苺で代用可
zucchero a vero 粉砂糖
〇Espressioni 表現
sac à poche 絞り袋(フランス語起源)
a bocchetta stellata 星形の口金
assorbire 吸収する
■ 現代英語 Award - winning Musician Sakamoto Ryuichi dies at 71
Tributes have poured in from around the world for Japanese musician and composer Sakamoto Ryuichi.(略)
He's known for his work with the trailblazing electronic band Yellow Magic Orchestra.
Sakamoto co-founded the genre-defining group in 1978.(略)
Sakamoto earned global acclaim by scoring films like “Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence.”
He also won an Oscar and a Grammy award for his work on “The Last Emperor.”
He campaigned for forest conservation, as well as the abolition of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants.
Tributes have poured in~ 訃報ニュースの定番表現
tribute 敬意 尊敬 賛辞を表す言葉
pour in 流れ込む
trailblazing 先駆的な 新たな道を切り開く
trail 道
blaze 目印をつける
genre-defining ジャンルを定義づける
earn acclaim 絶賛される
score (名)楽譜 (動)楽譜を書く 作曲する
Oscar アカデミー賞(を指しています)
abolition 廃絶
①It's good to see you again.
②It's great to see you too.
* Have a nice day!, You, too.のように「too」を使いましょう
③You must be starving. How about getting some lunch first?
*must ~に違いない
④Thai food would be nice.
*would willの控えめ表現~でしょうね
〇流れにのせる表現:so/ tell me /hey
So, what kind of food do you like?
So, why was everyone wearing neckties today?
Tell me, what kind of car did you buy?
Tell me, what's on your mind?(教えて、何が気がかりなの?)
Tell me, what happened?
Hey, can you lend me some money?
Hey, can I talk to you real quick?
(ねえ、ちょっと話していいかな)*real quick(口)(副詞的に、)すぐに
Hey, can you do me a favor? Could you scan these and send me the files?
③ねえ、ドアを開けておいてくれますか? 手がいっぱいなのです。
1 So, are you coming or not?
2 Tell me, are you single?
3 Hey, can you hold the door open? My hands are full.
I like spicy foods.
I'm a big fan of Sakamoto Ryuichi.
I listened to his piano the other day.