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D:I think we've covered everything. Now, do you have any questions?
L:Yes. I have two. Firstly, what do you like most about working at WCS? Secondly, where do you see WCS in 5 to 10 years?
D:Good questions. Emily, do you want to answer the first?
E:OK. I think we're very supportive of motivated employees. If you want to study for qualifications on wine, we'll finance the tastings, provide you with glasses - things that would be bankrupt you if you did them through personal financing! I myself got my sommelier qualification here at WCS, and I've traveled frequently to vineyards all over the world.
D:Thanks, Emily. As for what we'll be in 5 to 10 years ... the biggest merchant in Asia, and in the top 3 in Japan.
L:Thank you. If I'm lucky enough to be hired here, I will contribute to that.
motivated やる気のある
finance the tastings (ワインの)テイスティングの費用を負担する
bankrupt 破産する
personal financing 自腹を切ること
sommelier qualification ソムリエの資格
〇be lucky enough to 幸運にも~する。
If I'm lucky enough to be hired here, I will contribute to that.
If I'm lucky enough to get tickets for the game, I'll invite you.
A:If you are lucky enough to find the file, please let me know.
①be blessed with ~に恵まれる
I was blessed with the opportunity to work at our Singapore branch.
②be fortunate enough to 幸い~する
We were fortunate enough to raise the necessary funds through crowdfunding.
No, you answered all of my questions during the interview.(質問はありません、面接内容で答えていただきましたから・・・)と言って質問しないのは、少なくとも面接官が日本人ではない場合は、止めましょう。
What should I focus on in the first 3 months?
How would my performance be measured in this position?
How would you describe the work environment here?
■ 現代英語 TikTok CEO faces Congress
Millions of young people across the United States use TikTok to watch, share, and create bite-sized videos.
That reach has lawmakers worried.
They spent hours grilling TicTok CEO about app's safety and security.
Shou i Chew says he wants to clear “misconceptions.”
“We are committing to transparency. And we're committing to third party monitoring. We will give them access to keep us accountable for commitment that we're making.”
Lawmakers are worried about what happens to the data of TikTok's 150 million users in the U.S.
Some want the Chinese parent company, Byte Dance, to sell the app to American owners. Others want it banned.
“Your trackers are embedded in sites across the web.
TikTok surveils us all.
And the Chinese Communist Party is able to use this as a tool to manipulate America as a whole.”
bite-sized 一口サイズの 非常に小さい、短い (食べやすい・理解しやすい)
reach 影響が及ぶ範囲 *浸透している事を示している。
grill グリルする 質問攻めにする
▽safety and security safety:健康面 security:プライバシー問題
misconceptions 誤解
third party monitoring 第三者機関の監視
keep us accountable for~ 我々が~の説明責任を果たし続ける
commitment that we're making 私達が約束していること
tracker 追跡機能
be embedded 埋め込まれている
surveil 監視する
manipulate America as a whole アメリカを全体的に操る
*manipulate = 多くの場合不正行為や自己利益のために操るというニュアンス。
TikTokの親会社(parent company)はByteDance。議会では、この会社がappをアメリカ企業に売る、また、使用を禁止したいという意見が交わされました。
“Your trackers・・・四拍子で読まれており強調する部分で拍を刻んでいる。
→Your 【trackers】 are 【embedded】 in 【sites】 across the 【web】.
flu influenza /lab laboratory /rehab rehabilitation
limo limousine(車のリムジン)
intro introduction /info information
pro professional / vocab vocabulary
■入門イタリア語 Lezione6 名詞と不定冠詞
Un bombolone, per favore.
un cappuccino /un caffè
una pizzetta /una colazione
un amico(ウナミーコ) /un orologio(ウノロロージョ)
un'amica(ウナミーカ)/ un'uscita(ウヌッシータ)
Il caffè è una bevanda.
定冠詞の役割の一つ :一般的な
il cappuccino /un cappuccino
次の場合、性や数は、succco, bottigliaに合わせます。 mela・vinoではない。
il succo di mela /un succo di mela リンゴジュース
la bottiglia di vino una bottiglia di vino ワインのボトル
①男性名詞には「un」、女性名詞「una」、母音で始まる女性名詞にはun'をセットにして発音練習。“○○, per favore.”(~をください)と注文しましょう
1 panino(パニーノ) Un panino
2 cioccolata(ココア) Una cioccolata
3 insalata(サラダ) Un'insalata
4 arancino(ライスコロッケ)Un'arancino
②定冠詞+名詞 不定冠詞+名詞の両方を覚えよう
組み合わせのヒント il/un la/una l'/un l'/un'
1 spremuta la spremuta una spremuta
2 cornetto il cornetto un cornetto
3 amica l'amica un'amica
4 televisore il televisore un televisore
I bought a textbook "Business English " to study this time.
So I practiced today's phrase. I'm also looking forward to it!