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■ビジネス英語 Interview Leonard Slatkin 4
〇Listning poit
1 What is the first thing Mr. Slatkin does when he rehearses with an orchestra?
2 What are the NHK Orchestra members concerned about?
What kind of approach do you take when rehearsing with an orchestra?
Leonard Slatkin:
It's a music director's job to try to do two things.
One is to listen to the orchestra and see how they sound when they play. So my first rehearsals always are just, “Let's play this piece. I won't say anything. Let's me see what you sound like. ” Then after that I will make adjustments. Sometimes it can be the speed of the music. Sometimes it can be where the emphasis is in certain phrases. But once I know how the orchestra sounds, I don't want to change that much.
So I wouldn't ask, for example, if we were playing Gershwin's An American in Paris, very American piece, lots of jazz, lots of stuff... Yes, I might say, “You know , here, we need to swing a little bit. We shouldn't play, (
口頭で音を表現) we should be like (口頭で音を表現)”. But that's not about the sound. That's about the style.
And the better the orchestra, the less I want to change that sound. Why would I go, say, to the Berlin Philharmonic and ask them Okay, I want you to sound more in New York Philharmonic”? No. A great orchestra should sounds like itself.
So that's my job. I need to be comfortable in what the orchestra presents. In this case, there is very concentration on the technical means in the NHK Symphony. They are very concerned about being precise, being accurate, but also interested in the ideas of style that we talked about. So I adjust to their need for the precision, and they adjust to my need for the style of the music to change.
Gershwin ガーシュウィン
An American in Paris パリのアメリカ人
lots of stuff 色々な要素
the Berlin Philharmonic ベルリンフィルハーモニー管弦楽団
1 He listens to the orchestra and sees how they sound when they play.
2 They are very concerned about being precise, being accurate.
I don't quite understand how you can respect the tone of an orchestra while giving a instructions regarding style of their music.
Can you tell me in simple terms why you don't try to change the sounds?
わかりやすく:in simple terms
term 用語/terms 言い回し 言葉遣い
■マッテオのレシピ12か月【4月】Pasta con carciofi e gamberi
Per prima cosa facciamo rosolare la cipolla tritata finemente con un po' d'olio.
Aggiungiamo i carciofi tagliati fettine, regoriamo di sale e pepe, e lasociamo cuocere per una decina di minuti.
In un'altra padella rosoliamo l'aglio e facciamo cuocere i gamberi sgusciati.
Sfumiamo con il brandy, insaporiamo con un po'di sale e uniamo ai carciofi.
Intanto mettiamo a cuocere le fettuccine in una pentola con abbondante acqua salata, le scoliamo e le trasferiamo nel condimento con i carciofi e i gamberi.
Versiamo un po' d'acqua di cottura della pasta e mantechiamo.
Impiattiamo le fettuccine, ricopriamo con cel prezzemolo tritato e un po' di olio a crudo e serviamo!
Che buon profumo!
②decina 約10
④uniamo<unire ~と一緒にする
⑤intanto その間に
abbondante 豊富な 多量の
condimento 調味料(ここではソース)
⑥acqua di cottura della pasta パスタのゆで汁
⑦a crudo 生の状態で
Oh, they often come to my place to eat something at this time of year.
♫Englishman in Newyork は、これの真似だったのでしょうか?🐧💕