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■ 現代英語 IT experts warn RI race getting out of control
A group of AI experts and prominent figures in the IT industry are sounding the alarm over artificial intelligence.
They are calling for a pause in the development of the technology, citing unforeseen risks.
The U.S. non-profit Future of life Institute released an open letter asking for labs to halt work on AI more powerful than ChatGPT-4.
Open AI has kicked off a chatbot development race among major tech firms.
The letter warns that the competition is getting “out of control.”
It says that powerful AI systems should be developed only once there is confidence that their effects will be positive and the risks manageable.
More than 1,300 people have signed the letter, including Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
IT =information technology 情報技術
prominent figure 著名人
sound the alarm 警鐘をならす
call for a pause 一時停止を求める
cite 理由にあげる
unforeseen risk 予期せぬリスク
halt 中止する
*labs 複数形
ChatGPT-4 ChatGPTの3月にリリースされた最新型
Open AI 企業名称
a chatbot development race チャットボット(対話式AIプログラム)開発競争
<chatbot= chat robot 人工知能を活用した自動会話プログラム>
only once there is confidence 「確信」が得られた時点で初めて
→「 confidence」の内容はthat以下:効果が有益でリスク管理ができること
〇a group は複数で扱うこともある
A group of・・・are・・・ イギリスではよくあることで名詞が単数でも複数形扱いされます。groupのほかに team familyなど集合名詞でみられます。名詞は単数であっても構成メンバーが複数であると意識されるからだと言われています。
■英会話タイムトライアル 202304017 プレゼント
Here you are. I hope you like it.
Thank you. It looks delicious. This is one of my favorite.
Thank you. May I open it?
Thank you. What is this?
Do you need some help opening it?
No, but thanks anyway.
I'll take the lapping. *包装紙を預かりますね。
Oh, thanks. I appreciate. *助かります
Sure. No problem. *いえいえ
I'm glad you like it.
■英会話タイムトライアル 202304018 「出会い」のあいさつ
Did you say hi to Janni?
Let's say hi to Janni.
How are you?
Good thanks, how are you?
You must be Janni.*ヤンニさんでいらっしゃいますね。
I've heard a lot about you.
What have you heard?
It's nice to meet you.*どうぞよろしくお願いします。
Oh! Hi there.
Long time no see.
How have you been?
■英会話タイムトライアル 202304019 「別れ」のあいさつ
See you around! See you later. →あとで実際会わない場合でも使える
Maybe I'll see you around. *またどこかで会えるといいね。
Maybe I'll see you around Stockholm. *ストックホルムのどこかで・・・
See you / at three./ in two weeks./ in about two hours. *in:~後
See you soon! *すぐ、ということではなく、のちほど。
See you at three in the park. Yeah, see you there/ then.
It was nice talking to you./ Bye bye.
■英会話タイムトライアル 202304021
S:Who is it? *(ドア・インターホンごしに)どなたですか?
J:It's your neighbor, Janni. Good morning.
S:Good morning. I'll open the door.
J:Hi. I'm Janni. And this is my Mom, Lena.
J:We want to say “Hi” to you.
S:Hi, Yanni and Lena. I'm Steve Soresi. Just call me Steve.
J:It's so nice to meet you. And here it's something for you.
S:Oh, thanks. These looks delicious. What are these?
J:These are Swedish cookies with raspberry jam on top. They're called “Hallongrottor.” Do you like cookies?
S:Of course. Who doesn't like a good cookie?
J:Well, we have cookies and coffee every Sunday afternoon in the garden. Maybe you can join us someday?
S:That sound good. I'd love to meet everyone.
J:Great. See you around .Hejdå!
S:See you around. Hejdå!
*Hejdå! さようなら
I watched a SF movie about humans VS robots before.
It feels like the future is not far away.
I really hope it won't be a real.
Sorry, I watched too much SF movies.