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■ 現代英語 First Japan-made quantum computer goes online
Researchers have put Japan's first domestically developed quantum computer online and granted access to outside users.
They say the ultra-high-speed technology could lead to breakthroughs across the industries.
The team from RIKEN institute developed the quantum computer with help from other academics and private-sector experts.
The technology takes its name from quantum physics.
That's the area of study involving the subatomic particles that the computers rely on to perform their rapid calculations.
The project leaders have initially given access through a cloud server to university and companies that have signed a joint research agreement.
They say the feedback could prove critical to refining the computer and accelerating development of related software.
quantum 量子
put ~online ~をオンラインで公開する 運転を開始する
grant access アクセスを認める
break through 大躍進
quantum physics 量子物理学
subatomic particles 亜原子粒子 *原子より小さい粒子
joint research agreement共同研究の契約
prove critical 極めて重要なものになる *prove~であることが判明する
refine 改良する
①This stadium can be confusing. All the gates look the same.
*can 潜在的な性質
*confusing 混乱させるような
②So, have they started the concert yet?
③Yes, they played "Marborough Fair" at the beginning.
(ええ最初に"Marborough Fair"を演奏したの)
④I was surprised. They usu
ally save that classic song for the middle of the concert.
*classic song 名曲 *classical music 古典的音楽、クラシック音楽
⑤That really sucks!
Sorry to be late. I went to the wrong gate.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Our servers have gone off line.
I'm so sorry that I couldn't meet the deadline. I lose track of time.
I'm so sorry. We can't. Our policy doesn't allows returns.
I'm sorry, I can't join you. I have a presentation at that time.
①本当にごめん。 君の誕生日だという事を忘れていました。とても忙しかったのです。
1 I'm so sorry. I forgot it was your birthday. I've been so busy.
2 I'm very sorry to misspell your name. Autocorrect changed it.
①Le frappe o, a seconda delle regioni, chiacchiere, bugie, galani, sono delle golosissime strisce di pasta dolce fritte nell'olio e ricoperte di zucchero a velo.
②Amate da grandi e piccini, vengono preparate in tutta Italia nel mese di febbraio per celebrare la festa più colorata e allegra del Paese, il Calnevale.
③Questa ricorrenza religiosa che precede la Quaresima, il period di digiuno prima della Pasqua, rappresenta un'occasione di divertimento, di giovialità e di grandi scorpacciate.
④Il culmine dei festeggiamenti avviene il martedì grasso, l'ultimo giorno di Carnevale.
⑤Grandi carri allegorici di cartapesta sfilano solenni per le strade delle città, in un trpudio di colori, maschere e coriandoli, per la gioia della gente accorsa ad assistere a uno degli eventi più attesi e più belli dell'anno.
①a seconda di~ ~に応じて
golosissime <goloso 食道楽の 食欲をそそる
strisce storicia(女)リボンの複数形
ricoperte ricoperto 覆われた
zucchero a velo 粉砂糖
②vengono preparate:venire+過去分詞でつくる受動態。用意される
③ricorrenza 恒例の祝祭 毎年行われる記念祭
religioso 宗教の
precede<precedere ~に先行する
la Quaresima 四旬節(復活祭前の40日間)
digiuno 断食している
rappresenta<rappresentare 表現する
occasione 女 機会・チャンス
giovialità 女 快活 容器
scorpacciate 女複 お腹いっぱいたべること
④festeggiamento 複数形で、祝い 祭り
avviene<avvenire 起こる 行われる
il martedì grasso (カーニバル最終日の)謝肉の火曜日
⑤carri (男複)山車
allegorici 寓意的な
cartapesta 張り子
sfilano<sfilare 練り歩く
solenne 厳粛な 堂々とした
tripudio (光、色などの)華麗な景色
maschere マスク
coriandoli 紙吹雪
la gioia 喜び
attesi 待望された
accorsa <accorrere 駆けつけるの過去分詞
assistere 参列する つきそう
日本で有名なのはヴェネチアですが、 イタリア中でカーニバルは行われます。
カーニバルは断食の時期にあたる四旬節の前に、最後の食事を楽しむチャンスという意味があります。一説には、カーニバルの名前は、「肉を断つ=carne vale」に由来するといわれています。
Oh, I see.
That's interesting!
The IT industry develops a lot.
What will they think of next? I wonder...