・・・ On the Move ~ An Extra ・・・
B :『トラディションズ』という映画を見たことがある?
F :ええ、とても迫力があったわ。
B :僕はあれに20秒くらい出ていたんだ。
F :わー!演技が好きだなんて知らなかったわ、バリー!
B :ただの単発の仕事だよ。
F :そのシーンはどこで撮ったの?
B :マリブでのロケで撮影されたんだ。
F :うまくいけば、大成功するかも!
B : Have you seen the movie, Traditions?
F : Yes, it was powerful. [páuərfl]
B : I was in it for about 20 seconds.
F : Wow! I didn't know you were into acting, Barry!
B : It's just a part-time gig.
F : Where did they shoot the scene?
B : It was filmed on location in Malibu.
F :うまくいけば、大成功するかも!
動き回って・忙しくして on the move, on the go
エキストラ extra [ékstrə] ←発音注意
〜が好きである・夢中である・はまっている be into~
I' m not into yoga any more.
Recently, what are you into?
単発の仕事 a part-time gig
音楽・芸能関連の単発の仕事 gig
そのシーンを撮る shoot the scene
〜でのロケで撮影する film on location in~
うまく行けば、運がよければ with luck
大成功する、有名になる hit the big time
出発する、出掛ける hit the road
熱心に勉強する hit the books
With luck, you might hit the big time!
With luck, you might make it big!
With luck, you might get a big break!
With luck, you might become rich and famous!
National Honor Awards Presented to Matsui and Nagashima
A retirement ceremony was held for former Yomiuri Giants slugger Hideki Matsui at Tokyo Dome on May 5. During the ceremony, National Honor Awards were presented to both Matsui and Shigeo Nagashima, the baseball legend and former Giants manager.