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〇ニュースで英会話 将棋の藤井四段 強さの秘密
東京工科大学 コンピュータサイエンス学部
ライエル・グリムベルゲン教授 インタビュー
It is said that Souta Fujii is getting stronger and stronger because he is training with the shogi software. Do you agree?
Prof. Grimbergen:
This combination of being good at certain traditional aspects of shogi, combined with the training against AI makes him a very special player.
What shogi AI has done is play surprising moves that professionals couldn't understand or play themselves.
If you have someone like Fujii, who has incorporated the surprising moves into his own playing style, it's possible for him to show the way, together with the AI, the uncharted territories of shogi.
*incorporate A into Bは「AをBに取り込む」という表現。
chartは「海図、地図」で、unchartedは「海図に載っていない、地図に載っていない」という意味です。文字どおりにも比喩的にも使われ、uncharted waters「未知の海域」や、uncharted territory「未踏(未知)の領域」のように言います。
In the past, moves that looked good, that were kind of the consensus ... these ideas have been developed by human players, strong human professional players for hundreds of years. And now we have the AI, who doesn't care about these old ideas. The AI just plays what it thinks is the best move in a certain position.
これまで、良いと思える指し手は、何百年にもわたって、人間の強いプロ棋士たちによって作られてきました。そして今、AIがあります。AIはこうした昔ながらの発想をまったく意に介しません。AI はその局面で最善と判断した指し手を打つだけです。
And the interesting thing is that the moves that professional players thought were bad moves for a very long time, the computer now plays these moves and actually wins games against professionals with these moves. So this kind of changes – a lot of ideas about which type of formations, which type of moves are good in shogi.
*not care about ...は「~を気にかけない」という意味です。
How do you explain shogi to the people who don't know about it?
Prof. Grimbergen:
Shogi is the only chess-type game where you can use the pieces of your opponent. Because of the dynamic of getting the pieces that your opponent gives you, it's interesting until the very end ... so there's always a chance that you might get back into the game. I find that very, very interesting.
*get back into the gameは、ここでは文字どおり「(勝負を途中で投げずに)試合に戻る、勝負に戻る」
〇基礎3 Lesson 056 Things will get better きっとうまくいくさ
Monzon: パーは、君が野球選手になりたいと言っていたよ。
Pa told me you want to become a baseball player.
Jose: ええ、でも野球の奨学金に申し込むのは、とても難しいんです。野球はぼくの夢だと思っていたけれど、今はそれほど確信がもてないんです。
Yeah, but applying for baseball scholarship is so hard. I used to think baseball was my dream, but I’m not sure now.
Monzong: よくわかるよ、ホセ。ぼくも野球の奨学金に応募したんだ。
I understand, Jose. I applied for a baseball scholarship, too.
Pa: You played baseball, too?
Monzong: うん。大好きだった。 でも奨学金への応募はても難しかったので、野球を止めてしまったんだ。その後、何事からも決してもう逃げたりはしないと決めたんだ。
Yeah. I loved playing, but because applying for a scholarship was so hard, I gave up.
After that, I decided I would never run away from anything again.
Pa: そうだったの。Wow.
Monzong: 状況が厳しいのは分かるよ、ホセ。でも、挑戦し続けるんだ。忘れないで、きっとうまくいくさ。
I know things are hard, Jose, but keep trying. remember, things will get better.
Remember, things will get better
Jose: わかりました。ありがとう、モンゾン!
OK, Thanks, Monzong!
◆Grammar 過去の習慣(used to…)
I used to think baseball was my dream, but I’m not sure now.
☑「used to+動詞の原形」は、今はしていないけれど、以前はよくしていたこと(過去の習慣)を表すときに使う。used to は動詞の前に置く。
☑used to…は「昔は~だった」のような状態を表す場合にも使えます。
we used to be good friends.(僕たちは昔は仲の良い友だちだった。)
蝶/イワダレソウ (昨日の蝶:アサギマダラ)